Saturday, January 1, 2011

Two Thousand Ten

2010 was a wonderful year with many new things I was lucky enough to experience. I met my loving bf and had 7 wonderful months with him during 2010. We went on multiple trips to the beach, Charleston and Atlanta. I had news that I would soon be a double Aunt & Godmother in 2011. I finally placed my house on the market, I cracked and bought an Ipad, I started a blog to document my daily outfit choices, my crafty epiphany's (?) and my random musings. I loved 2010 and hate to see it go. With 2011 on the way I can't wait to see what it has to offer. Resolutions have never really been my thing but I figured why the heck not worse case they just end up filed in my brain collecting dust among the file cabinets of other pointless information. So here goes:

1.Keep up with blog on a more regular basis.
2. Actually attend the gym the I am paying a membership for.
3. Sell my house and purchase a new one.
4. Read through the collection of books that I have and compile notes & criticizms.
5. Attend all 3 semesters of school.
6. Get to work on time regularly.
7. Go to church more
8. Take the dogs out for walks.
9. Be the best Godmother ever.
10.Host tons of dinner parties.

There are a few others that I will keep personal unless they happtn then I will be glad to share. Until then signing out for 2010, 2011 here we come.

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